CET Editor

Will Poland and Hungary See Sustained Inflation?

Inflation may pose a real threat for countries in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), specifically for Poland and Hungary, which…

4 years ago

“Au Revoir” to Aviation Fuels Exemption

Reading Time: < 1 minute In the "Fit for 55" context, draft EU legislation would put a minimum tax on…

4 years ago

EU Digital Covid Certificate: Mostly Smooth Sailing

Reading Time: 4 minutes The rollout of the EU's Digital Covid Certificate promises a "free and travel-safe summer," but changing…

4 years ago

Russian Embassy in Czechia May Have Housed Troll Farm

Reading Time: < 1 minute After have expelled 18 Russian diplomats over an explosion at a munitions factory, authorities and…

4 years ago

Slovakia’s Flying Car Takes Flight

Reading Time: 2 minutes Slovakia's hybrid car-aircraft has completed its maiden voyage between two of the country's international airports. https://centraleuropeantimes.com/2021/07/slovakias-flying-car-takes-flight/

4 years ago

EBRD Revises Bulgaria Growth Expectations

Reading Time: < 1 minute Stronger economic growth than previously expected is expected in the euro aspiring Eastern European country

4 years ago

Visegrád Group: Ambitious Hungary at the Helm

Reading Time: 3 minutes While Hungary wants to strengthen ties in the Visegrád ("V4") Group, comprised of Hungary, Czech Republic,…

4 years ago

Croatia Backs North Macedonia EU Accession

Reading Time: < 1 minute Croatia's leaders say they back North Macedonia's bid to join the EU - and can…

4 years ago

Caged-animal Farming to be Outlawed by the EU

Reading Time: < 1 minute A ban on caged-animal farming is underway after a successful European Citizens Initiative was signed…

4 years ago

Migration and Enlargement Top Slovenia’s Council Presidency Agenda

Reading Time: 3 minutes Bringing the Western Balkan countries closer to the EU family is a key priority for Slovenia,…

4 years ago

Big Carbon Price Increase on the Horizon

Europe's carbon price is set for a dramatic rise, according to a European Commission draft, while fuel prices for households…

4 years ago

EU Condemns Belarus’ Walkout from Eastern Partnership

Reading Time: < 1 minute Following the skyjacking of the Ryanair by Belarus government last month the Brussels-Minsk relations soured…

4 years ago

Serbia: Moscow Our Strategic Ally

Reading Time: < 1 minute Although Serbia aspires to join the EU, it does not support European policy vis a…

4 years ago

Visegrad Countries Discuss Recovery Plans in Warsaw

Meeting in Warsaw, finance ministers from the "Visegrad 4" (V4) country grouping - Poland, Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia - discussed…

4 years ago

Bulgaria, Romania Step Closer Toward Schengen

Starting in July of this year, Romania and Bulgaria will be granted access to Europe's Visa Information System (VIS), a…

4 years ago

Will the Czech Republic be “Fit for 55”?

The October elections in the Czech Republic could change the Czech government's approach towards the EU’s climate objectives, which is…

4 years ago

Commission Proposes “Joint Cyber Unit”

Reading Time: < 1 minute A number of cyberattacks on EU member states has prompted the European Commission to propose…

4 years ago

Hungary’s PM Confronted by Angry EU leaders Over Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill

In a heated debate on Thursday night, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán was confronted over recent anti-LGBTQ+ measures by his fellow heads of state…

4 years ago

Slovenia’s Sustainability Bond Issuance First in CEE

This week, Slovenia became the first country in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) to issue 10-year sustainability bonds to the…

4 years ago

Recovery Plans not “Green” Enough, say Watchdogs

Reading Time: < 1 minute Are the member states' recovery plans actually fulfilling the 37% mandate for green investments? Not…

4 years ago