
CEE countries take different roads on COVID

As some countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) relax Coronavirus restrictions, others remain cautious, with Czechia in the first…

3 years ago

Poland tops EC inflation list for 2021, 2022

Poland is predicted to have the highest level of inflation of 6.8% in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - and…

3 years ago

Large, integrated ICT boosts economies – CET analysis

Estonia has become the digital model for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) due to a digitalisation policy that has seen…

3 years ago

Slovenia minimum wage nears parity with US

With a EUR 1,074 minimum wage, Slovenia was the only country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) where a gross…

3 years ago

Poland top CEE country on university research grant list

Universities in Poland, Austria, Czechia, Slovenia and Lithuania will all run projects under the EU’s new research and innovation programme…

3 years ago

CEE ups R&D spending over last decade

Every country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has increased its research and development (R&D) intensity over the last decade,…

3 years ago

Slovenia takes surprise U-turn in nominating European Public Prosecutors’ Office delegates

In a surprise move on Thursday, Slovenia's government, which holds the EU presidency, ended months of delays in appointing the…

3 years ago

Europe’s travel industry recovering, but slow vaccine roll-out in east not helping

A report by a European travel industry group says Europe's travel industry is recovering this year, but the continent has…

3 years ago

EU not ready to embrace Western Balkans, but offers money

EU leaders reaffirmed their commitment for six Western Balkan countries to join the Union, but held off opening full negotiations…

3 years ago

Slovenia gets first wedge of Covid recovery cash from EU

Slovenia received its first €231 million fund payment from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) of the European Commission (EC)…

3 years ago