
Croatia to adopt euro next year, as Balkan country clears final hurdles

The EU formally approved on Tuesday Croatia joining the Eurozone on New Year's Day 2023, and proclaimed the development as…

2 years ago

Croatia to get less Covid recovery funding after economic rebound in 2021

The European Commission (EC) will cut Croatia’s maximum share of the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) stimulus programme by…

2 years ago

Croatia set to join the Euro

Croatia has been given the go-ahead to adopt the euro from the start of next year, when it will become…

2 years ago

Croatia agrees to expand oil capacity to CEE

Croatia is ready to enlarge the capacity of the Adria oil pipeline as part of a long-term energy cooperation agreement…

2 years ago

Croatia plans for worst case energy scenario

Croatia is currently boosting its own gas security in preparation for next winter, Energy Minister Davor Filipovic announced. By 1…

2 years ago

EU may compensate CEE countries for hit from Russian oil embargo

The European Commission (EC) could channel funds to countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to help reduce their dependence…

2 years ago

Balkan business leaders urge simpler border controls

Serbian and Croatian business organisations are calling for less friction in the flow of goods across their common border, in…

2 years ago

Romania to host CEE firms at defence expo

Companies from at least nine Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries will present their products and services at the upcoming…

2 years ago

Press Freedom Index singles out Moldova, Bulgaria as promising media landscapes

Estonia has the healthiest media environment in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) according to the Reporters Sans Frontiers/Reporters Without Borders…

2 years ago

Croatia’s aviation industry most resilient in EU

The commercial flight numbers of several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are closing in on their pre-pandemic levels faster…

2 years ago