Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine on Thursday morning, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all invoked the NATO alliance's Article 4,…
Global news organisations are reporting that Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the early morning hours of Thursday,…
United Nations Security Council members condemned Russia's order to deploy troops to Donetsk and Luhansk after Russian President Vladimir Putin…
As the stand-off between Russia and Ukraine continues, for countries within Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) it has spurred a…
US President Joe Biden said on Thursday that the prospect of Russian forces invading Ukraine remains a real threat, a…
Russian forces did not invade Ukraine today, confounding earlier US intelligence statements this was likely to happen on Wednesday. The…
Poland Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau met his opposite number in Moscow, Sergei Lavrov, to offer a “new initiative for dialogue”…
NATO has sent troops to Lithuania, which the country's head of state says should be permanently stationed in the Baltic…
EU High Representative Josep Borrell said the European Union will act decisively if Russia commits further acts of aggression against…
With Russian troops amassing at Ukraine's eastern border, negative sentiments toward the Nord Stream 2 (NS2), both within Germany and…