
PiS-linked foundations shun Polish expenses audit

Companies and foundations that held close ties to the right-wing populist and national-conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) government that…

8 months ago

Orban EU presidency already dividing opinion – Hungary PM wants to ‘take over’ EU, MEPs sceptical of his ability to lead bloc

Hungary will hold the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2024, putting Hungarian…

8 months ago

Polish political tensions ramp up as PiS politicians arrested at Presidential Palace

Polish police entered the palace of President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday evening and arrested two Law and Justice Party (PiS)…

8 months ago

Polish PiS politicians to face corruption charges this month

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk's Civic Coalition special commission to investigate the alleged corruption of outgoing Justice and Law Party…

9 months ago

Albania tops region for sustainable energy mix

The share of renewable sources in gross final energy consumption at the EU level reached 23% in 2022, up 1.1…

9 months ago

Polish president vetos media budget after new gov’t takes state TV channel off the air

Polish President Andrej Duda, an ally of the outgoing right-wing populist party Law and Justice (PiS), announced that he will…

9 months ago

Poland applies to join EPPO as Tusk returns

Donald Tusk was elected as Poland’s prime minister as his government won a vote of confidence in the parliament on…

9 months ago

Tusk in wings as Morawiecki exits stage right

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki lost a vote of no confidence on Monday 11 December, effectively marking the end of…

9 months ago

Poland’s Political Shift: Donald Tusk Takes the Helm as PiS Bows Out

In a decisive transition, Poland bids farewell to the Law and Justice (PiS) party's tumultuous eight-year reign as Donald Tusk…

9 months ago

CEE gets EU funds for cross-border 5G

The EU has selected seven projects to co-fund 5G transport corridors connecting regions throughout Europe, improving road, rail, inland waterways,…

10 months ago