V4 & Romania

Using chemical weapons would have “far-reaching consequences”, warns NATO chief

Russian forces using chemical weapons in Ukraine would not only be a violation of international law, but have “far-reaching consequences”,…

2 years ago

Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland look to reduce dependence on Russian sources of energy

Efforts to reduce dependency upon Russian sources of energy within countries in Central and Eastern Europe have taken on a…

3 years ago

NATO troops arrive to Slovakia to deploy US-made Patriot air defence systems

NATO troops have begun arriving at the Sliac military base in Slovakia to deploy US-made “Patriot” anti-missile defence systems in…

3 years ago

Lavrov calls arms supplied to Ukraine a “legitimate target”

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday that Slovakia providing air defence systems to Ukraine is a no-go, according…

3 years ago

Czechs contribute EUR 27 million towards armament shipments to Ukraine

Czechia’s Ministry of Defence says 100,000 Czechs have coughed up over EUR 27 million through a crowdfunding campaign which began…

3 years ago

Zelensky addresses Biden directly, asking him to be “leader of peace”

A theatre sheltering 1,200 civilians in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol was bombed on Wednesday night. An estimated 400,000 residents…

3 years ago

Conflict at a “crossroads”, could end in April, says adviser to Ukraine’s President

The BBC reported that Russian troops were holding 400 doctors and patients captive in a hospital in the coastal city…

3 years ago

War in Ukraine deals harsh blow to CEE currencies

While the Hungarian forint was hardest hit, all the currencies of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region are suffering…

3 years ago

Moscow approach to peace talks becoming “more constructive”, says Zelensky representative

Delegations from Russia and Ukraine held a fourth round of peace talks on Monday, aiming for  a ceasefire, the withdrawal…

3 years ago

Russian forces attack military facility just 10km from Ukraine’s border with Poland

Russian forces launched a missile attack on the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security, in the west of Ukraine, Sunday…

3 years ago