News by country

Forint recovers as Gazprom grants Hungary gas payment deferral

The forint rebounded against both the US dollar and euro late Monday, on news that Russian-state-run energy company Gazprom has…

2 years ago

Pro-NATO PM wins Latvian election, as ethnic-Russian voters shun pro-Kremlin parties

Latvia’s ruling centre-right party Jauna Vienotiba (New Unity) was the clear winner in the country’s general elections at the weekend…

2 years ago

Forint slumps to all-time lows against euro, dollar

As national currencies shed value across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) on Thursday, the Hungarian forint fell hardest, to historic…

2 years ago

Poland opens Baltic Pipe, as other pipelines wrecked in dramatic day for CEE energy

Polish officials symbolically commissioned the Baltic Pipe natural gas pipeline with Norway on Tuesday, a day that turned out to…

2 years ago

VW floats idea of CEE exit

German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) may close its plants in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) if the natural gas shortage persists…

2 years ago

‘The Chinese always have a multi-layered approach’ – CEPA expert Tamas Matura talks China in CEE with CET

Hungarian Sinologist Tamas Matura argued in his recent report for CEPA that China wields little influence in Hungary, despite the…

2 years ago

Onsemi invests USD 450mn in semi-conductor foundry in Czechia

Onsemi inaugurated the expansion of its silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor fabrication plant in Roznov, east Czechia, on Wednesday. The USD…

2 years ago

Slovenia agrees on EUR 3.26bn funding strategy with European Commission

Slovenia will receive 3.26 billion euros in EU funding via a partnership agreement, the details of which it finalised with…

2 years ago

EC backs withholding EUR 7.5bn from Hungary

The European Commission (EC) recommended the rescinding of 7.5 billion euros worth of cohesion funds from Hungary on Sunday, unless…

2 years ago

Polish energy giant PKN Orlen mulls purchase of German refinery

Polish refiner PKN Orlen is considering buying a majority stake in the PCK Schwedt refinery in north-east Germany, which until…

2 years ago