News by country

Hungary could decouple from Russian gas – report

Hungary could realistically replace Russian gas imports, according to local analysts, who say its dependence is reliant on the will…

1 year ago

Mixed prospects in region for pay-TV industry, new research finds

The number of pay TV subscribers in Eastern Europe will decline by 8mn from its peak of 81mn in 2018,…

1 year ago

Poland, Baltic states meet NATO’s 2% target

NATO's annual report for 2022 reveals that only 7 countries of the 30-country defence alliance met the military spending target…

2 years ago

Poland to supply Ukraine with fighter jets

Poland will send Ukraine four MiG-29 fighter jets in the coming days, with more to follow later, according to an…

2 years ago

Inflation swallows up pay hikes in Romania

The average net salary in Romania was RON 4,254 (EUR 864) in January 2023, up 15% year-on-year, but down RON…

2 years ago

Hungarian central bank chief repeats criticisms of Orban’s economic policy

Hungarian National Bank (MNB) Governor Gyorgy Matolcsy has once again harshly criticised Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s economic policy, business…

2 years ago

Romanian investments up in 2022 – PM

Net investments in the Romanian economy were 150.1 billion leu (EUR 3.06bn) in 2022, up 8.5% on the previous year,…

2 years ago

Enel to sell Romanian arm in EUR 1.26bn deal

Enel will sell its Romanian operations to Greek group Public Power Corp (PPC) for EUR 1.26bn, the Italian utility group…

2 years ago

Kallas wins big in Estonian election

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas’s Reform Party (ER) secured both the most votes and most seats ever in a national…

2 years ago

Lithuania decade’s most improved country in region, leading prosperity report finds

Estonia is named the most prosperous country in Eastern Europe, and the 21st globally, in the newly-released 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index.…

2 years ago