
Czechs contribute EUR 27 million towards armament shipments to Ukraine

Czechia’s Ministry of Defence says 100,000 Czechs have coughed up over EUR 27 million through a crowdfunding campaign which began…

3 years ago

Poland tops EC inflation list for 2021, 2022

Poland is predicted to have the highest level of inflation of 6.8% in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - and…

3 years ago

Slovenia minimum wage nears parity with US

With a EUR 1,074 minimum wage, Slovenia was the only country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) where a gross…

3 years ago

Ryanair revives routes out of Zagreb

Europe’s largest airline Ryanair has announced plans to restore all of the flights from the Croatian capital of Zagreb that…

3 years ago

EU beats 2020 sustainable energy target, with Latvia, Austria, Croatia CEE’s greenest

As the EU surpassed its target of 20% sustainable energy usage in 2020, the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) high…

3 years ago

Croatia tops aviation upturn list – Eurostat

European commercial aviation enjoyed an upturn last month, as the number of flights in the EU climbed 130% year-on-year. While…

3 years ago

CEE ups R&D spending over last decade

Every country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has increased its research and development (R&D) intensity over the last decade,…

3 years ago

Western Balkans bounce back from 2020, but reforms needed to narrow gap with EU

Although the six Western Balkan countries aspiring to join the European Union, referred to as the WB6, are expected to…

3 years ago

Europe’s travel industry recovering, but slow vaccine roll-out in east not helping

A report by a European travel industry group says Europe's travel industry is recovering this year, but the continent has…

3 years ago

Croatian premier u-turns on Eurozone

"The benefits of euro adoption would outweigh the disadvantages," Croatian President Zoran Milanovic announced after meeting George Vella, his opposite number in…

3 years ago